When is the Best Time to Schedule a 4D Pregnancy Scan?

How is a 4D ultrasound scan performed?

A 4D ultrasound scan is a remarkable technological advancement in prenatal care that allows expecting parents to see their baby in three dimensions and in real-time motion. The process involves using sound waves to create detailed images of the fetus in the womb. Unlike traditional 2D ultrasounds, which provide flat images, 4D ultrasounds offer a more lifelike view of the baby’s features.


During the procedure, a trained technician applies a special gel to the mother’s abdomen to help transmit sound waves. A transducer device is then moved over the gel-covered area, emitting sound waves that bounce off structures within the uterus. These sound waves are converted into images by a computer, producing a real-time video of the baby’s movements.

Understanding the Ideal Time for a 4D Scan

Determining the best time to schedule a 4D pregnancy scan depends on several factors, including the purpose of the scan and the stage of the pregnancy. Generally, the optimal time for a 4D scan is between 26 and 30 weeks gestation. During this period, the baby has developed enough fat deposits to enhance facial features while still having enough room to move freely.

Scheduling the scan too early may result in less defined images, as the baby’s facial features may not be fully developed. On the other hand, waiting too late into the third trimester may limit the baby’s mobility due to space constraints within the womb.

4D Ultrasound Stages

Early Second Trimester (14-18 weeks): While it’s possible to schedule a 4D ultrasound during this time, the images may not be as clear, and the baby’s facial features may not be fully formed.

Mid to Late Second Trimester (19-26 weeks): This is an ideal window for scheduling a 4D ultrasound, as the baby’s facial features become more defined, and there is still ample room for movement.

Early Third Trimester (27-30 weeks): At this stage, the baby’s facial features are well-developed, but scheduling too late may limit the baby’s mobility and result in less dynamic images.

How does it feel during a 4D ultrasound scan?

For most expectant parents, a 4D ultrasound scan is an exciting and emotionally rewarding experience. The procedure itself is painless and non-invasive, similar to a traditional ultrasound. Some mothers may experience slight discomfort from the pressure of the transducer on their abdomen, but this is usually minimal.


Emotionally, seeing their baby’s movements and facial expressions in real-time can be overwhelming and deeply bonding for parents. It provides an opportunity to connect with their unborn child in a way that was previously unimaginable.



A 4D pregnancy scan offers expectant parents a special peek into their unborn child’s world. Timing the scan right and knowing what to expect can enhance this memorable experience. From capturing yawns to smiles, these scans provide cherished memories for a lifetime.

Schedule a consultation with our experienced healthcare professionals today.