Samyuktha scans

Follicular Study – Purpose, Procedure & How it Works

The follicular study, also known as follicular monitoring, is a crucial procedure used in reproductive medicine to monitor the development and release of follicles from the ovaries. This method provides valuable insights into a woman’s reproductive cycle, helping doctors determine the best time for conception or assist in fertility treatments. In this blog post, we’ll […]

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Are Pregnancy Ultrasounds Safe for Your Babies? Understanding the Benefits

Ultrasounds have become an integral part of prenatal care, offering valuable insights into the development and well-being of the baby in the womb. Expectant parents eagerly anticipate these appointments, where they get to catch a glimpse of their growing bundle of joy. However, amidst the excitement, questions about are ultrasound scans safe in pregnancy often […]

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3 Months Pregnant: Symptoms and Fetal Development

Congratulations on being 3 months pregnant! As you progress into this exciting phase, you may be curious about the 3 months pregnant symptoms you might experience and how your baby is developing. Let’s explore the common pregnancy symptoms at 3 months pregnant and the fascinating world of fetal development. Understanding Common Pregnancy Symptoms at 3 […]

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9 Tips for a Happier Pregnancy: How to Ease Morning Sickness

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but for many women, the first trimester can be challenging due to morning sickness. Nausea and vomiting can make this time feel less joyful and more like a struggle. However, there are several strategies you can try to ease morning sickness and make your pregnancy a happier experience. In this […]

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Understanding the Importance of 4D Ultrasound Scans During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a journey filled with anticipation, wonder, and excitement. With advances in medical technology, expectant parents now have the opportunity to witness their baby’s development like never before through various imaging techniques, including 4D scans. In this blog post, we delve into why 4D scans are important during pregnancy and how they contribute to […]

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Why do you need a fetal Doppler ultrasound scan?

During pregnancy, ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby is of paramount importance. In this journey, medical professionals rely on various tools and technologies, such as doppler scans in pregnancy, to monitor fetal health and growth. Doppler tests during pregnancy are non-invasive procedures that utilize ultrasound technology to assess blood flow […]

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How Do I Prepare For A 4D Ultrasound?

Welcoming a new life into the world is an incredibly exciting journey, and advancements in technology allow parents to witness remarkable moments even before their baby’s arrival. One such advancement is the 4D ultrasound, which offers a detailed and dynamic view of the baby in the womb. If you’re gearing up for this extraordinary experience, […]

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Growth Scan in Pregnancy: What It Is, Why It’s Done, and What to Expect

As expectant parents, there’s a plethora of medical procedures and tests to navigate through during the journey of pregnancy. One such procedure that healthcare providers often recommend is a Growth Scan. This non-invasive ultrasound procedure plays a crucial role in monitoring the development and well-being of the fetus. In this blog, we’ll delve into what […]

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When is the Best Time to Schedule a 4D Pregnancy Scan?

How is a 4D ultrasound scan performed? A 4D ultrasound scan is a remarkable technological advancement in prenatal care that allows expecting parents to see their baby in three dimensions and in real-time motion. The process involves using sound waves to create detailed images of the fetus in the womb. Unlike traditional 2D ultrasounds, which […]

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How much does a 4D scan cost in Chennai?

Are you an expectant parent in Chennai eager to explore the world of prenatal imaging but concerned about the associated costs? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of 4D ultrasound costs in Chennai, spotlighting the offerings at Samyuktha Scans. Understanding 4D Ultrasound: The journey of pregnancy is a remarkable […]

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