Infertility Scan Chennai: Purpose, Procedure, Cost and Result

Infertility, a complex journey filled with emotional challenges, affects many couples around the world. In Chennai, advanced medical facilities provide hope through specialized procedures like infertility scans. This article aims to give you a clear introduction to infertility scans at Samyuktha Scan in Chennai. We will discuss their purpose, procedure, cost, and possible results. Whether you’re looking into fertility assessments for yourself or gathering information for a loved one, this guide is here to help you understand with clarity and confidence.

Understanding Infertility Scans

Infertility scans play a pivotal role in diagnosing underlying issues that hinder conception. They are non-invasive imaging procedures that provide valuable insights into reproductive health. These scans assist healthcare professionals in identifying anatomical abnormalities, hormonal imbalances, and other factors contributing to infertility.

Purpose of Infertility Scans

Identifying Anomalies:

Infertility scans can reveal structural anomalies such as fibroids, polyps, or cysts in the reproductive organs that might impede conception

Evaluating Ovulation:

These scans help determine whether a woman is ovulating regularly and producing eggs.

Assessing Uterine Health:

They provide information about the thickness and health of the uterine lining, crucial for embryo implantation.

Checking Sperm Count:

In some cases, male partners undergo scans to assess sperm count, motility, and morphology.

Common Infertility Scans and Procedures

The infertility scan procedure typically involves the following steps:


You’ll begin with a consultation with a fertility specialist who will review your medical history and recommend appropriate tests, which may include an infertility scan.

Ultrasound Imaging:

Most infertility scans are performed using ultrasound technology. The patient is asked to lie down, and a gel is applied to the abdominal area. A transducer is then moved over the abdomen, emitting sound waves that create images of the reproductive organs.

Transvaginal Ultrasound:

In some cases, a transvaginal ultrasound might be performed. This involves inserting a specialized probe into the vagina to obtain clearer images of the ovaries, uterus, and surrounding structures.


The procedure is usually completed within 20-30 minutes.

Cost of Infertility Scans in Chennai

The cost of infertility scans in Chennai can vary based on factors such as the type of scan, the clinic or hospital, and any additional tests required. On average, infertility scans can range from 4D scan for 4000 INR, and Anomaly scan for 2000 INR. It’s important to inquire about the full cost, including consultation and any follow-up appointments.

Interpreting Infertility Scan Results

Interpreting scan results requires expertise and is typically done by a qualified fertility specialist. The results will help determine the appropriate course of action, whether it’s addressing hormonal imbalances, scheduling further tests, or recommending fertility treatments.


In summary, Samyuktha Scans in Chennai can offer hope to couples struggling with fertility problems. By understanding the purpose, process, costs, and how to interpret the results of these scans, you can make informed decisions about your journey to parenthood. Keep in mind that everyone’s situation is different, so it’s crucial to seek guidance from experienced fertility experts. Visiting Samyuktha Scans could be your first step towards making your dream of having a child a reality. 

Schedule a consultation with our experienced healthcare professionals today.