10 Best Foods to Eat When Nauseous and Pregnant

Congratulations on your pregnancy journey! While this time is exciting, it can also be uncomfortable due to morning sickness and nausea. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best foods to eat when you’re feeling nauseous and pregnant.


Pregnancy can bring about some not-so-fun symptoms like morning sickness and nausea. If you’re dealing with these issues, you’re not alone. Many pregnant women experience nausea at some point.


When you’re feeling nauseous during pregnancy, it can be tough to find foods that are easy on your stomach but still provide important nutrients for you and your baby. But don’t worry – we’re here to help you find some relief.


Staying hydrated is essential during pregnancy, especially when experiencing nausea. Sip on water throughout the day to prevent dehydration and help ease nausea symptoms, making it one of the best foods to eat when pregnant.


Lemon, known for its nausea-relieving properties, is a fantastic addition to your diet during pregnancy. Whether added to water or inhaled for its refreshing aroma, lemon can provide relief from morning sickness, making it a healthy pregnancy food choice.



Ginger has long been hailed as a natural remedy for nausea and digestive issues. Incorporating ginger into your diet, whether through ginger tea, candies, or chews, can help alleviate pregnancy-related nausea and is among the best foods to eat while pregnant.

Vitamin B6-rich foods:

Foods rich in vitamin B6, such as bananas, avocados, poultry, fish, and whole grains, can help reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Including these healthy pregnancy foods in your diet can provide essential nutrients while easing nausea symptoms.


Bananas are not only rich in vitamin B6 but also gentle on the stomach, making them a perfect snack for pregnant women experiencing nausea. Their potassium and fiber content further make them one of the best foods to eat when nauseous and pregnant.

Cold foods:

Opting for cold foods like fruits, yogurt, smoothies, or sandwiches can be soothing for the stomach, especially during pregnancy-related nausea. These healthy foods to eat while pregnant can provide hydration and essential nutrients without exacerbating nausea symptoms.


Watermelon, with its high water content and refreshing taste, is an excellent choice for pregnant women experiencing nausea. It provides hydration and essential nutrients, making it one of the best pregnancy foods to alleviate morning sickness.

High-Protein Foods:

Consuming small, protein-rich meals throughout the day can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent nausea. Lean meats, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, and legumes are among the best foods to eat when pregnant, offering essential nutrients for both you and your baby.


Mild, non-greasy soups like chicken noodle or vegetable soup can provide hydration and essential nutrients while being gentle on the stomach. Including soups in your diet is a healthy pregnancy food choice to ease nausea symptoms.

Toast (And Other Dry Foods):

Dry, bland foods such as toast, crackers, pretzels, and cereal can help absorb excess stomach acid and provide relief from nausea. Keeping these snacks on hand to nibble on throughout the day can help manage pregnancy-related nausea effectively.



To help manage nausea, consider incorporating these top 10 foods into your diet, which can alleviate symptoms and provide essential nutrients. Remember to stay hydrated, eat small, frequent meals, and consult your healthcare provider if you experience excessive vomiting.


Additionally, we offer advanced services like 4D scans, allowing you to witness real-time images of your baby’s development.


We also recommend a follicular study to optimize conception chances by monitoring ovarian follicle growth. At Samyuktha Scans in Chennai, we’re committed to supporting you throughout your pregnancy journey. Contact us to schedule an appointment and ensure a healthy and joyful experience.

Schedule a consultation with our experienced healthcare professionals today.